Thebrain forums
Thebrain forums

Now, how many of these facets are stand-alones, don't give or receive feedback from other facets during normal thinking? How many different facets of thought are there - I'd like people to supply their own answers to this here, if they think it would help the thread. In simplistic terms, at the very least we have feedback between memories, reasoning, input, planning, output, emotions (intuitions, hunches), feelings, imaginings, etc. Now add upward and sideways feedback and voila, we now have an intelligently run corporation. Parallel branches may act against the goals of each other - a schizophrenic corporation. Those who implement policies will have no recourse when conditions change and the directions they were given no longer fit the situation they now find themselves in. With feedback, surprises can result! Picture a corporation running with information and direction going only from the top down - disaster! The management will be out of touch with what is going on below them, and even in parallel branches of the corporation. Without feedback, things go in a linear fashion. In both the brain and in all other complex biological, chemical, and physical systems that exhibit synergistic effects and emergent phenomena, feedback is the key. I'm picturing the brain as being multiple neural networks, having feedback between many pairs of such networks. Just some random thoughts on the subject. the corpus colosum connects the hemispheres, but modifies the info going between them. Also important would be if one group, for example, comes between a pair of groups in the normal communication scheme, i.e. In summary, I believe the synergistic characteristics of the brain come mainly from the circular feedback of various neuron groups each having DIFFERENT firing rules on average. As stated, chemical processes can change the characteristics of the neurons, but such chemical processes would be fairly easy to model as a possible output of certain groups having high activity at the same time, and this causing a global change throughout the AI, with various affects to each group. I picture an AI containing groups of synapses of various characteristics - in this group, two inputs (on average) cause a firing while in that group it may be that 5 inputs are required. Just model the connections between neurons, and the conditions that cause each synapse to fire (kind of like the game of life). The power contained in the brain comes from the fact that all of these functions interact synergistically, so that the whole is more than the sum of the parts, and we may never be able to determine all of the unseen interactions that take place when several functions combine to produce a thought. Modelling the atoms may be too ambitious, but modelling the individual functions could be also. If you'll settle for a good plastic brain model go here: That being the case it is clear they don't know remotely enough to create a functioning model of the circuitry. The functions performed by the brain are, therefore, probably still not all discovered, and it is taking imput from neurologists all over the world, to simply create this comprehensive map.

thebrain forums

We don't know how many things the brain does that we haven't even realized needed doing. No one even thinks to consider we need a system to process the perception of up and down motion till it gets damaged in someone. What is one phenomenon to us: vision, is actually the perception of many different aspects of vision fused into the one we're conscious of. Other aspects are processed in the temporo-parietal area. If you take vision, for example, they know this is primarily processed in the occipital lobes, but important aspects of vision, such as the perception of up and down motion, are processed in the parietal lobes. In other words they still haven't sorted out what functions different parts of the brain perform. There is, at this time, a worldwide effort underway to simply map the human brain.

thebrain forums

(pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!)

Thebrain forums